Who We Are

MyPrayerTimes is a community-driven platform providing accurate and reliable prayer times to Muslims of diverse backgrounds. Our mission is to empower and engage the global Ummah through accurate prayer times and informative content.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi

Our Mission

To empower Muslims of diverse backgrounds with accurate and reliable Islamic prayer times while providing informative content to deepen understanding and connection with Allah and our faith. Guided by principles of integrity, transparency, and love for Allah, we strive to establish a community of believers who stay on track with their daily salah and continue to learn and grow in their spiritual journey.

Our Vision

To be a global platform that engages the Ummah and inspires a deeper connection and love for Salah through accurate prayer times and high-quality, well-researched content. We aspire to be known as the go-to website for all things related to Islamic prayer and to have a substantial impact on our users.

Our Core Values

Discover the guiding principles that shape our mission and vision at MyPrayerTimes.

Mashaf next to dates, representing Iman (Faith)
Photo by Abdullah Arif | Unsplash

Iman (Faith)

At MyPrayerTimes, we believe that faith is the foundation of a meaningful and fulfilling life as a Muslim. We strive to provide content and resources that deepen knowledge and connection with Allah.

Roots of a tree next to a waterfall, representing a strong foundation
Photo by Zach Reiner | Unsplash

Integrity + Transparency

We pride ourselves on being open and upfront with our users, providing accurate and reliable salah times and being transparent in our practices.

A magnifying glass, representing quality
Photo by Jon Tyson | Unsplash

Commitment to Quality

We aim to provide the highest quality content and user experience, from accurate prayer times to informative and well-researched blog posts about prayer in Islam.

Our Pledge

Our pledge is to provide accurate and reliable Islamic prayer times for Muslims of diverse backgrounds. We are committed to upholding principles of integrity, transparency, and love for Allah. These principles guide our work as we strive to establish a community of believers who stay on track with their daily salah and continue to learn and grow in their spiritual journey.

"If anyone fulfils his brother’s needs, Allah will fulfil his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection."

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Sahih Bukhari

Must-Read Stories Of The Month

Stay informed and inspired with our top-trending stories of the month.

Exploring the Spiritual and Psychological Benefits of Salah To Help Improve Mental Health

Nov 18th, 2023

How Prayer Began in Islam: A Historical Perspective

Dec 26th, 2022

Exploring the Deep Roots of Why Muslims Pray

Dec 24th, 2022

Developing a Relationship with Allah through Prayer

Dec 22nd, 2022

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